Sunday, September 5, 2010

Property Owners, Count the True Cost

Today I saw the most beautiful area in Cedar Hill-an escarpment with limestone outcroppings of the most gorgeous chalky beige, green, and brown hues lining the roadway. I thought I had been transported to Austin. The tree-studded hills were ever-so-green and the rocky creeks looked cool and inviting as kids skipped across flat platform rock. Then, in the downhill distance a lake view...I could not believe I was only moments from Oak Cliff.
But, alas, I hear a well and frac pond have moved into one of the exclusive Cedar Hill sub-divisions and several wells-maybe five! are intended for already toxic Mountain Creek Lake.
NO ranting and raving...for what good would that do?
BUT, I am thinking about folks that signed agreements allowing these wells to come on their property. (...Assuming home owners were asked, perhaps some weren't.)
What, we might ask, were these people thinking?
Maybe I know. Profits without significant risk. Free money!
However, if residents signed on the line years ago, before much incriminating info about drilling was publicized; and if these people were told the risk to human health and water were MINISCULE, these citizens were MISLED.
Whether you agree or not, consider this. If drilling companies will not disclose the chemicals they put in the ground during drilling-chemicals which can ruin water supplies-HOW CAN ANY HOMEOWNER MAKE A INTELLIGENT DECISION ABOUT RISK?
If "risk" is evaluated and determined by insufficient or untrue information, is this important assessment valid?
Don't think so! Profits promised to homeowners from natural gas drilling must be considered in light of TRUE RISK-and that risk, we now now from the experience of countless other citizens, can devastate health, property, and financial viability.
Drilling in your residential neighborhood-it's so not worth it to you, property owner; and then please consider the rest of us who breathe your deadly well fumes and don't profit at all.
What does it profit a man to gain a pittance from a wealthy gas company...but lose what matters most?

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Dallas Naval Air Station on MCL

B24 Bomber-1942- from DALLAS NAS

B24 Bomber-1942- from DALLAS NAS

Navy's Blimp Over Grand Prairie,Tx

Blog Archive

Photos are from US Navy, Historical "Oak Cliff" web-site, Lake Cliff Park web-site, and Rose Mary Rumbley's lovely "Oak Cliff Tours" website, the Dallas Observer (Mt Creek Lake) and WFAA news. Thanks to all who promote and support Oak Cliff with such excellence, beauty, and affection.