Thursday, December 23, 2010


What do you think about EPA today seizing TCEQ's ability to give permits to facilities (energy, refineries) under the Clean Air Act?
I don't see that EPA had much choice given that THE LAW states certain standards have to be met; and that our governor's "we're doing better" doesn't satisfy that criteria.
Many folks are worried about increased energy prices and job loss in Texas; and rightly so-but this so could have been avoided if a difficult revamping of the way Texas produces and does business had occurred. Instead of doing the hard things that needed to be done, we dug in our heels and tried to sue the federal government.
Being a loyal Texan, I will say no more about what I think of that-but "adolescent" comes to mind. If you disagree-fine; but I would suggest you carefully study the realities of toxic water and air in our beautiful, beloved state. Industry simply could not continue to exploit natural resources forever and not pay a high price, no matter how long it tried to delay the inevitable.
And as for EPA, it exists for a reason-to protect the environment and all American citizens-many of whom can't speak out for themselves.
In my life, I have been confronted many times with the necessity to change. Undoubtedly you
have, too; in times of down-sizing, staff reduction, job change, making less money for more work...even starting over from scratch in a brand new endeavor. It's not easy, but we choose whether we blame others and cause new ideas to fail because of our own negativity and inaction; or whether we accept challenge and create a secure job and more meaningful contribution to the world.
I think business in Texas can work clean and smart if it wants do; and that doing so could create more higher-paying jobs-for scientists, engineers, designers, skilled tradesmen, on and on... What worries me most is whether we have the educated work force to solve our environmental problems in a timely, cost effective way.
Every problem winds its way back to education; education is based hugely on motivation; and motivation comes from having to grow, learn, and change. Do you see how these things can work together?
Instead of saying DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS, we'd be better off chanting TEACH TEXAS!
Or TEXAS, LEARN AND INNOVATE! to earn and survive. Pride and a tenacious spirit will neither save us from poison-and corporate greed; nor will it provide us with livelihood to support ourselves, our communities, and schools.

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Dallas Naval Air Station on MCL

B24 Bomber-1942- from DALLAS NAS

B24 Bomber-1942- from DALLAS NAS

Navy's Blimp Over Grand Prairie,Tx

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Photos are from US Navy, Historical "Oak Cliff" web-site, Lake Cliff Park web-site, and Rose Mary Rumbley's lovely "Oak Cliff Tours" website, the Dallas Observer (Mt Creek Lake) and WFAA news. Thanks to all who promote and support Oak Cliff with such excellence, beauty, and affection.