Wednesday, October 27, 2010


It's a good thing....that EPA wants careful adherence to conditions or standards for safe drilling at Hensley Field. When I first heard about air monitoring and chemicals being placed in tanks
instead of ponds/pits, I thought: Well, this is great. Maybe things will be okay.
THEN-BRAINSTORM! Weren't these or similar safety measures supposed to happen in many residential areas but didn't?
The key is not having good safety ideas, it's enforcing them!
I think we've seen evidence that drilling companies do not regulate themselves well.
And even agencies that try to regulate them have, historically speaking, been enticed to look the other way when rules are broken and public safety is POSSIBLY (surely) compromised.
The history of Texas is replete with stories of money luring the do-gooders away from their mission!
Private energy companies can out-pay and out-lawyer the best intentioned workers, even hiring away regulators to work for the other side...the oil and gas "enemy" who needs knowledge of how to beat the system.
We can give up on the law, give up on our aspirations for a clean environment, OR we can overcome the power of wealth with millions of voices demanding justice for our neighborhoods.
Funny how the powerful only yield to doing what's right when there's little option.
Ah, the flawed nature of humanity....Drown it out, citizens, with your voices!


Unknown said...

can u tell me what intrest these gas whore comanys have in the ledbetter hills aera of oak cliff, between tyrone and kiest east of 408 west 0f south ledbetter any info could be muchhelp thank you

Anonymous said...

Did you see evidence of this or hear about it? Can you tell the source of your info? It would help
others figure out what's going on.


Dallas Naval Air Station on MCL

B24 Bomber-1942- from DALLAS NAS

B24 Bomber-1942- from DALLAS NAS

Navy's Blimp Over Grand Prairie,Tx

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Photos are from US Navy, Historical "Oak Cliff" web-site, Lake Cliff Park web-site, and Rose Mary Rumbley's lovely "Oak Cliff Tours" website, the Dallas Observer (Mt Creek Lake) and WFAA news. Thanks to all who promote and support Oak Cliff with such excellence, beauty, and affection.