Monday, August 9, 2010


I heard from EPA this morning and am happy to report that EPA Region 6 is committed to pre-screening for CERCLIS (CERCLA) at the Dixico site on Polk St in Oak Cliff. Though some may say this is thirty years too late, I am thankful for the attention now-realizing how easily it could have been denied.
Driving around Oak Cliff yesterday, my sister and I spotted a huge plastics plant from the 50s-90s that made "Dal Tex" Melamine dinnerware, large speckled mixing bowls, and plastic tumblers. A quick Google yielded the fact these dishes are highly collectible. Imagine that-we were trying to give ours to Goodwill in the 60s! Plastics were so old school once one discovered pottery....
Anyway, Dallas Plastics in the 2000 block of Westmoreland between Illinois and Kiest discharged FORMALDEHYDE into the Trinity R (via creeks-what else?); and what they didn't discharge, they dumped several places-even returning waste to Dallas water utilities. Ammonia, also, was a substantial gift to the water dept. (Exact amounts for later years can be found at EPA's TRI - toxic release site.) Apparently the facility still operates as a "molding compounds" company, meaning plastics, resins, chemicals.
Interested in chemicals discharged into Dallas creeks? Become a student of Dal-Tex or Dallas Plastics on Westmoreland, Dixico on Polk St (also Delta Industries at same address), and Halliburton-practically on Coombs Creek at Illinois and Westmoreland.
Proceeding south on Westmoreland to the 4000 block, there's another plastics plant. Who realized Oak Cliff is/was such an industrial center-with numerous small homes and creeks alongside smoking, dioxin - emitting factories?

Please remember the citizens' meeting about gas drilling (Oak Cliff) with Raymond Crawford and Tx Sharon at Southwood Methodist Church on Ravinia, Wed, 7 pm. According to Raymond, in-use permits for FOUR SITES at Mountain Creek Lake have been obtained. This is only three more than I knew about!

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Dallas Naval Air Station on MCL

B24 Bomber-1942- from DALLAS NAS

B24 Bomber-1942- from DALLAS NAS

Navy's Blimp Over Grand Prairie,Tx

Blog Archive

Photos are from US Navy, Historical "Oak Cliff" web-site, Lake Cliff Park web-site, and Rose Mary Rumbley's lovely "Oak Cliff Tours" website, the Dallas Observer (Mt Creek Lake) and WFAA news. Thanks to all who promote and support Oak Cliff with such excellence, beauty, and affection.